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AVANT Stealth
Compact and Powerful
PC-Based Dual-Channel
Clinical Audiometer


The AVANT Stealth Clinical Audiometer contains 2 x 20 watt built-in amplifiers and can be upgraded to include high frequency testing


The AVANT Stealth clinical audiometer is a compact PC-based dual channel audiometer, allowing multiple signal routing options utilizing cutting edge sound processing and sound generating technology.

This audiometer has an incredibly small footprint (approx. 8” x 5” x 1.25” – L x W x H) and contains 2 x 20 watt built-in amplifiers and can be upgraded to include high frequency testing up to 20.000 Hz.

The AVANT Stealth is a powerful PC-based audiometer that allows fast, accurate air, bone and speech testing, has dedicated transducer outputs and offers an intuitive user interface for data collection, patient monitoring and counseling.

SpesifikasjonerBestillingsnummer Pris (ekskl. mva.)
Dual-Channel Clinical Audiometer with User-Selectable Signal Routing
Complete Air, Bone, Speech and Masking Audiometry
Built-in Special Tests, Word Lists and Auto-Scoring
Integrated QuickSIN
Automated Audiometry
HLS (Hearing Loss Simulator) & MHA (Master Hearing Aid) for 3rd Party Demonstration
PC- based and Portable
USB Connection to Computer
NOAH™, TIMS® and Sycle.Net™ Compatible
High Frequency Option Allows Testing up to 20kHz